Federal Bureau
of Investigation
502-263-6000 Web Site
Shortly after taking office Jon Sallee recognized that a large portion of the Detention Center's budget was the cost of feeding individuals incarcerated. He wanted first and foremost lower the burden of cost on the taxpayer but also provide a healthy alternative to feed those incarcerated. The Jail Garden is an innovative way to not only offset the cost of meals but it also provides the inmates with an opportunity to learn how to grow a garden and receive the benefit of fresh produce. Every year inmates plant and manage approximately 5 acres of garden. The Detention Center harvests the vegetables and sells the produce to the Detention Center's food management company. Every year the Detention Center makes approximately $4,000 to $5,000 from the sale of the produce. The fresh produce is then used by the food management company to feed those incarcerated. The program has proven to be successful, lowering the cost incurred and providing a learning experience for the inmates and fresh produce for their meals.